Black carpet beetles — you may have them in your home and not even know it. They’re a common pest in different types of processed foods, including seeds, flour, pet food, spices, and various meals.
You might be surprised to learn that their larvae are the ones that pose the most danger to your home’s textiles. The black carpet beetle larvae are also the ones who can cause allergic reactions, which is why you don’t want this pest in your house.
But can you prevent black carpet beetles? And what are they, exactly? Additionally, when should you call in
a professional pest removal company?
There are different types of carpet beetles. Often, people confuse these tiny pests with bedbugs.
You might have black carpet beetles in your home, along with furniture carpet beetles, common carpet beetles, and
varied carpet beetles. Another type is the banded black carpet beetle.
As the name suggests, black carpet beetles are one color, usually dark brown or black. They're shaped like an oval. A black carpet beetle size is between ⅛ of an inch and 3/16 of an inch.
Black carpet beetles don’t bite. However, larvae have long, coarse hairs. When they make contact with your skin, it often feels like a bite. You may even experience an allergic reaction.
Your textiles are at risk of black carpet beetle damage, especially since these tiny pests are hard to see. They love to eat natural fibers, which makes your carpets, drawers, closets, furniture, and more all an ideal buffet for these pests.
You might even experience skin issues when in contact with these insects. If this is the case, see your healthcare provider.
It’s important to
understand what carpet beetles eat. This can help you prevent them. For starters, they’re not interested in synthetic fibers, but they do look for animal products, including silk, wool, leather, pet hair, natural bristles, and feathers.
You’ll also find black carpet beetles in grains and spices, but this is less common. If you find them in your food,
you don’t have to worry about them carrying diseases.
However, it’s offputting when you find bugs in your food, especially bugs of an unknown origin. And since carpet beetles — like all pests — can contaminate food sources, you’d have to throw out anything they come into contact with.
The best thing you can do is prevent black carpet beetles from infiltrating your home in the first place.
For starters, vacuum your space regularly. If you have a lot of natural fibers in your house or pets, vacuum more often. This includes rugs, nooks, and crannies, utilizing the crevie tool that came with your vacuum. If you have upholstered furniture, you should also use the crevice tool to keep it clean.
Wash items in hot water and consider spraying white vinegar in areas where you commonly find these insects.
You can prevent black carpet beetles in your home, but you may need professional pest removal if you have an infestation. If you’re in Sparta, NJ, or the surrounding area, Serene Property Services can help.
We offer fast, affordable, and reliable pest control in Sussex County, NJ, and Warwick, NY. We also offer a range of recurring, monthly pest removal services to keep your home and property pest-free.
Contact us today for an estimate.
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