Are you harboring stink bugs inside your home?
Stink bugs seek shelter inside house, especially in the cold winter months. But why are stink bugs a problem and how do you get rid of stink bugs?
Stink bugs are known to feed on high-value crops along with ornamental plants, posing a threat to farmers and gardeners alike. They pierce and suck plant sap from fruit, blossoms, buds, and leaves, causing fruit to prematurely drop.
Are you looking to avoid a stink bug invasion this season? If so, you’ll need preventative measures, including professional pest removal services.
If you have a garden or crops to protect and are wondering how to get rid of stink bugs, then this article is for you. You’ll learn about the best way to get rid of stink bugs, so be sure to keep reading.
Stink bugs are attracted to fruit, so if you have a bowl on your countertop, you’re inviting stink bugs in. One way of keeping stink bugs from your home is to store fruit in a resealable container, instead of keeping it exposed on your counter. The same goes for nuts and vegetables, as stink bugs are known to feast on them.
Food isn’t the only thing attracting stink bugs to your home. They crave warmth and sunlight and typically hibernate in the winter. They’re likely to hide in your walls or your attic and when temperatures rise, they come out of hiding.
Although the best way to get rid of stink bugs is with a professional pest removal company, there are a few things you can try at home.
For starters, look for any holes in your screens. If you spot any, repair or replace them to keep stink bugs out.
You should also seal off any potential entry points. Look for openings around utility pipes and chimneys or for cracks in your siding. If you see any entry points, seal them with silicone caulk.
Next, turn off evening lights when possible, as they attract stink bugs. Shut your blinds and curtains to prevent light from spilling outside. If you do have exterior lights, use yellow bulbs, as they’re less likely to attract stink bugs.
While outside, look for moisture build-up near your home including clogged drains and leaking pipes. If you eliminate moisture, you can reduce pest infestations.
Remember to trim branches and shrubbery to prevent stink bugs from entering your home, and store firewood a minimum of 20 feet from your home and keep it at least five inches off of the ground.
Inside your home, ensure basements garages, attics, and crawl spaces are properly ventilated. You can use a dehumidifier or install attic and chimney screens. When taking boxes out of storage, check them for brown or black stink bugs before moving them into your home.
If you see a flying stink bug, avoid stepping on it. This releases a bad-smelling odor and is how the insect earned its name.
If you’re wondering how to get rid of stink bugs, try some of these tips and tricks. Remember to keep fruit and vegetables in sealed containers, and to repair any ripped screens. You can also do a visual inspection of your property to look for entry points.
Are you wondering what to do about stink bugs in your house? Serene Property Services can help. Contact us today for professional pest removal services in Sussex County, NJ, and Warwick, NY.
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