Blog Post

How to Prevent Bed Bugs When Traveling

Nick Siebert • May 24, 2023

Do you have a trip planned? Then you need to prevent bed bugs when traveling.

As bed bugs shift from eggs to adults, they go through a series of transformations called instars. To advance to the next “stage” of a bed bug’s life, they have to feast on blood. 

This has made them incredibly adept at finding their next meal, including unsuspecting travelers on vacation. In some instances, a bedbug can live up to a year off of a single feeding in a semi-dormant state. This is just one reason why proper inspection is so critical. 

Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent bed bugs. These preventative measures begin at home as your pack for your trip. Once you arrive at your hotel, you’ll need to thoroughly inspect your room and take several precautions while away from home. 

Consider the following:
74% of pest control services have dealt with bed bugs at hotels and motels. Bed bug protection can prevent you from bringing unwanted pests home with you, so make sure not to skip these steps. 

Trip Prep

Do bed bugs travel? Yes. 

It’s advisable to use hard-case luggage. Bed bugs have a harder time attaching themselves to hard, inflexible materials compared to fabric. 

If you’re wondering if you should use travel spray for bed bugs, don’t. It’s not recommended to spray any type of bug repellent or pesticide on your luggage or clothing, as it doesn’t work against bed bugs and instead exposes you and your family to other health hazards. 

When packing, place your items in resealable plastic bags. Bring extra bags with you in case you shop on vacation.

Bring a bright flashlight with you — something small will do the trick. You need to inspect your room after you check in. 


When you make reservations at a hotel, always inquire about their policy about bed bugs in hotel rooms and what protective measures they have in place. Quality hotels won’t be put off by this question. 

For reference, any type of adequate bed bug preventative measure will include routine inspections and the use of a
professional pest removal company. This measure should be instituted regardless of a hotel’s history with bed bugs. 

How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Hotel Room

Before you arrive at your hotel, learn about bed bug control and what they look like in all their stages. This includes eggs, bed bugs that just hatched, and adults. Learn about the
signs of bed bugs, including droppings, skins they’ve shed, and blood stains on sheets and clothing. 

Always place your luggage on an elevated (and hard) surface. Never place it on the floor and don’t place it on upholster furniture such as couches, beds, and chairs. 

If your hotel room doesn’t have a hard surface above ground level, place your suitcase inside a dry bathtub. You can even leave it in your car until you complete your hotel room inspection.

Using your flashlight, check each bed and its box springs. Pull up the sheets at the sides and corners. 

Look at the tufts of your mattress(es) and along the seams, checking for bedbugs and any markings. Check all pillows and any upholstered furniture. Look behind headboards and open all drawers on your nightstands and other cabinets. 

If you’re only staying in the hotel room for a short amount of time, it’s best to keep your items inside your luggage. Should you find any signs of bedbugs, immediately alert the hotel manager and insist on another room. 

Bed Bug Protection at Home

Bed bugs in hotel rooms can easily hitch a ride with you. After you arrive home, unpack all of your luggage in your bathroom. As you unpack it, ensure it’s set against surfaces that are light in color so you can easily spot any bed bugs. 

Shake your clothing out in the shower or bathtub. Carefully inspect your luggage, including the pockets, straps, and seams of your items and suitcase(s). Use a vacuum attachment to vacuum out creases and crevices. 

Immediately empty out your vacuum, seal the components, and put the bag outside in the trash. As soon as you shake out your clothing, wash it. 

If you think you may have bed bugs, wash your clothing in hot water. Dry your clothes using the hottest heat setting your dryer has for a minimum of 20 minutes. 

If you dry clean or steam clean your items, it will kill bed bugs still living on fabrics. This includes any fabric luggage. Steam clean or dry clean any items you can’t wash, using high heat settings. 

Prevent Bed Bugs

As you prepare to travel, pack your items in hard-shell luggage. Thoroughly inspect any hotel room you check into, and don’t be shy about asking the hotel manager about their bed bug prevention program. These simple measures can prevent bed bugs from coming home with you. 

If you suspect a bed bug infestation, Serene Property Services can help.
Contact us today to discuss bed bug control in Sparta, NJ, the surrounding areas, and Warwick, NY.

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