Have you ever wondered what happens to pests when it gets cold out? If you think they head south for the winter, you’re wrong. They probably head north — into your attic. Your house might harbor a myriad of pests, giving them a cozy spot to spend the winter. But why are they coming indoors and how do you prevent these pests in Sparta, NJ, and the surrounding areas?
During the summer, we spend time cleaning up our yards, removing trash and pruning trees and scrubs. But in the winter, we often forget to take the same kind of preventative bug care as we do in the summer. The same goes for piles of wood. We know that wood piles attract bugs and often keep wood far from the house during warm months. But in the winter, these piles of wood often make their way to our porches, making it hard to keep bugs out.
This is why you need to be just as cognizant of bugs in the winter as you are in the summer. Otherwise, you may find your home invaded with overwintering pests. Here are some common bugs that overwinter and come looking for a space to nest inside your house.
Just because you don’t see stink bugs in the winter doesn’t mean they’re not in your home. They’re probably overwintering in your house while they wait to come out next spring.
Yes, they’re “hibernating,” but they’re still doing it in your home. This means they won’t reproduce, but they’ll still be somewhere in your house and when it’s warm out, you’ll suddenly see them out and about.
Stink Bugs and cockroaches are two bugs that stay inside during the winter. They’re hearty bugs that do well in cold temperatures, which makes your house a possible winter spot for them to gather. But if you don’t want bugs in your home this winter, you may need to make some minor repairs.
Since stink bugs like moisture, always fix leaking faucets. This includes outdoor spigots. They’re also attracted to light and heat, which means they’ll try to make their way indoors this winter. Look for
cracks and crevices or any openings around your home and seal them up to prevent these pesky bugs from entering.
Spiders also do well in the winter and can easily become indoor pests. They enter your home in search of food — namely, winged bugs that hang out near your porch lights.
Does this mean you can’t keep your porch light on? Absolutely not. Just swap out your white outdoor light to a yellow bulb.
This works to keep bugs away since they’re attracted to the warm white bulbs. Keep your home free from cobwebs and clutter and you’ll work to prevent spiders from entering.
As we previously said, cockroaches do well in the winter, which makes your house a perfect place for these winter bugs to set up shop for the season. They’ll look for cardboard boxes in your garage or cluttered areas.
Always keep your
garage clean (and your basement) and move all items to plastic storage bins, making the area as inhospitable to cockroaches — and other pests — as possible.
Aside from bugs, rodents will try and take up residence in your home this winter. They’ll look for warm, cozy places. If you notice any chew marks or hear scratching in your attic, you might have a rodent infestation.
The same goes for bugs. If you notice an influx of bugs or have bites on you or your family (pets, too!), it’s time to
call in the pros to handle all your issues with overwintering pests.
To keep overwintering pests away, it’s best to invest in preventative pest control before the winter season begins. Serene Property Services can help. We’ll inspect your home and create a custom prevention program that works for you and your house.
Contact us today to discuss all the ways we can help you prevent overwintering pests in your home. We service all of Sussex County, NJ, and Warwick, NY.
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