If you’ve ever found an Indian meal moth in your pantry, then you’ve encountered a stored product pest. These insects include beetles, weevils, moths, and mites, and they feast on dried goods. And if you let these bugs dine in your home for too long, they can quickly turn into an infestation.
You may initially notice one pantry moth or even a tiny beetle. You might also see a caterpillar crawling on your wall. However, this can quickly grow out of hand and your stored products may become contaminated. If this happens, you’ll have to throw out any infiltrated food, leading to unnecessary food waste.
However, you can identify stored product pests early and take preventative action to stop them from infesting your pantry. If DIY methods don’t work, then you need to
contact a professional pest removal service near you.
Common stored product pests include beetles and weevils. Why are these among the most common? Because there are around 400,000 different species of these pests in particular.
Keep in mind that both stored product pest larvae and adults can bite, so you don’t want them in your home or near your food. You’ll notice that the vast majority of these insects can fly as adults, locating new breeding sites within your home. Some have wings but can’t fly, thus relying on humans to move them from one food source to another.
Moths, such as Indian meal moths, have roughly 180,000 different species. This incorporates moths and butterflies alike. However, only about 30 of these species are considered significant stored product pests. Winged adults can easily fly, locating food sources within your home.
You may not realize it, but mites aren’t insects. They’re considered arachnids similar to ticks and spiders. They’re extremely small, measuring in at less than 1 mm when fully grown. They can contaminate your food, which means you don’t want them in your food.
They can also lead to allergic reactions and should promptly be removed from your home. Additionally, these pests can quickly infest a myriad of stored food products.
If you have a stored product pest infestation, you’ll commonly notice that they infest organic products along with preserved and dried foods. They also infest nuts, cereals, grains, preserved or cured meat, leather, and wool.
You might notice that any one of these products has signs of pest damage. You might also find insects in your food or your cabinets. They may also be on your window sills, so pay close attention to larvae and adult insects alike. You may even find their silken webbing.
If you have a stored product pest infestation, you can remove it from your home with a few DIY measures. But first, begin by eliminating all contaminated food products. Next, ensure that all uncontaminated food items are in
the best dry food storage containers.
Bay leaves may deter these pests, but if you find that they’re still invading your pantry, then you need professional pest remediation. Keep your kitchen sanitized and clean spills when they occur, working to deter future pests from entering.
If you’re concerned about stored product pests transmitting any type of blood-borne disease, they’re not known to do so. However, if you eat them, they may
upset your stomach.
In severe cases, these pests have caused serious injuries to the airway. They can also cause allergic reactions, so take all measures to prevent them from contaminating your food.
No matter what type of infestation you have, Serene Property Services can help. We offer pest removal solutions in Sparta, NJ, and the surrounding area in Sussex County. We also service Warwick, NY.
Stored product pests can contaminate food, leading to unnecessary food waste, possible stomach upset, and allergic reactions.
Contact us today to see how we can help with all your pest removal needs.
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